Bibliometric Analysis
Unlike other systems that simply store publication data, Profiles RNS analyzes those publications to identify important concepts and trends and to discover connections between people and different areas of research. This technique of characterizing the research literature is known as bibliometrics analysis, and it is not limited to publications. The same bibliometric methods can be applied to any type of information, such as patents, grants, and websites.
Profiles RNS automatically discovers publications for people through its Disambiguation Engine, and then uses bibliometric analysis to extract information from those publications. However, you do not need to download the Profiles RNS software to perform your own analysis. Below we offer several free bibliometric resources that you can use directly from this website. The data behind these tools includes the entire Medline publication database, the NIH RePORTER grant database, and other information freely available on the internet.
Free Bibliometric Tools (Powered by Profiles RNS)
Please note that we are unable to validate the data used by these tools, and we do not think that the metrics generated by these reports are necessarily the best way to quantify impact or success. We are simply using public data sources and applying commonly used bibliometric algorithms to provide examples of this type of analysis.
- Journal Bibliometric Report - Using citation data in Medline, this tool calculates a journal's impact factor and ranks journals within a field.
- Bibliometric Summary Report - Given a list of PubMed IDs, this tool calculates common metrics, including citation counts and h-index.
- Grants to PubMedIDs - Search for NIH grants and lookup the publications in Medline that reference them.
- PubMedIDs to PMCIDs - Convert a list of PubMed IDs to PubMed Central IDs.
- PubMedIDs to Citation Counts - Determine the number of citations for a list of PubMed IDs
- PubMedIDs to References - Convert a list of PubMed IDs to formatted references.
Hint: Use these tools in combination. For example, search for the publications associated with a grant, and then generate a bibliometric summary report for those publications or obtain a formatted list of references.
If you have suggestions for future tools or have links to other bibliometric resources that you would like to add to this page, please contact