Profiles Research Networking Software Harvard Catalyst

Open Source Community

Profiles Research Networking Software has an active and rapidly growing open source user community.

Profiles RNS Users Group

The Profiles RNS Users Group contains over 300 members from institutions around the world. These partner sites have all worked hard to make Profiles RNS a success. We particularly appreciate UCSF's contributions to Profiles RNS, which included developing promotional strategies for research networking, assisting with quality assurance, and developing new functionality for Profiles RNS.

Profiles Users Group

University Spotlights

Click an image below to see examples of how universities have customized their Profiles RNS websites.

Harvard University
University of California, San Francisco
Boston University
University of Massachusetts Medical School
South Carolina (MUSC/SCTR)
Baylor College of Medicine

Meetings and Mailing Lists

The Profiles RNS Users Group has a mailing list and occasional online community meeings. The Users Group is mostly focused on issues of interest to the people who are implementing Profiles RNS at their institutions. However, anyone is welcome to join, and we frequently have broader discussions about research networking in general. The typical topics of the Users Group include:

  • Introduction to new Profiles RNS users
  • Information about upcoming releases
  • High-level "vision" talks about where Profiles RNS is heading
  • Announcements about events and activities relevant to Profiles RNS
  • Feedback and technical questions from Profiles RNS users
  • Invited speakers to talk about how they are using/customizing Profiles RNS

Email us at if you would like to be added to the official Profiles RNS Users Group mailing list, which we use for meeting invites and announcements of product releases. Also, join the Profiles RNS Google Group to participate in discussions among people from different institutions using the software.

Community Wiki

Participate in the Profiles RNS Google Group.